Mai indifferenti - Voci ebraiche per la pace

Is there anything left to salvage?
A plea from Maiindifferenti – Jewish voices for peace

The level of violence and cruelty in Palestine, in the Gaza Strip and the West Bank, has exceeded every possible limit.
We issued a statement in January, on Holocaust Memorial Day in Italy, and we feel bound to raise our voice again, five months later, because we simply cannot bear the indifference towards the decimation and starvation of the Palestinian people. Israel's response to Hamas's aggression has turned into a war of extermination of Palestinians and this has been going on for too long. The actions of Netanyahu's government are inflicting a wound upon the country that will take generations to heal.
The very mention of Israel provokes increasingly hostile reactions around the world. The State of Israel is more and more isolated and less and less safe. Antisemitism abounds. We believe that now more than ever Diaspora jews and anyone who cares about the future of Israelis and Palestinians must support the women and men in Israel who have been rallying for weeks, petitioning not only for the liberation of the hostages but also for the resignation of Netanyahu's government. We support the Israelis who deny the logic of slaughter and destruction contaminating their country.
We demand an immediate cease-fire and the implementation of a plan to end the suffering. Now.
June 21, 2024

Francesco Moshe Bassano
Guido Bassano
David Calef
Paola Canarutto
Giorgio Canarutto
Franca Chizzoli
Annapaola Formiggini
Paola Fermo
Sabetay Fresko
Bice Fubini
Nicoletta Gandus
Bella Gubbay
Joan Haim
Cecilia Herskovitz
Francesca Incardona
Stefano Levi Della Torre
Annie Lerner

Gad Lerner
Bruno Montesano
Guido Ortona
Giacomo Ortona
Bice Parodi
Mario Davide Sabbadini
Renata Sarfati
Eva Schwarzwald
Susanna Sinigaglia
Sergio Sinigaglia
Stefania Sinigaglia
Jardena Tedeschi
Mario Tedeschi
Fabrizia Termini
Claudio Treves
Roberto Veneziani
Micael Zeller


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